OstroVit Shaker 700ml
OstroVit Shaker 700 ml
OstroVit Shaker 700 ml is a series of standard, colorful, reliable shakers, which from now you can take with you wherever you like. Is it a hard strength training, a trip to the mountains, or maybe just a walk. Just pour water or your favorite protein shake, which will replace your meal, which often need to spend a lot of time to prepare. OstroVit Shaker 700 ml is your choice !!
OstroVit Shaker 700 ml
This is a screw top container for your favorite drinks with the large OstroVit logo. Shaker has a capacity of 700 ml, and its construction effectively protects against leakage of supplements. The shaker is completely safe in contact with food. Thanks to the fact that it is transparent, you can easily measure the amount of your prepared drink, and it will help you in this measure, which is located on the back of the shaker. When creating your favorite protein shakes, use a special strainer that is included in the kit. Perfectly crumble clumps and make the constitution of your drink delight your palate.
- Strainer that will help you mix the supplement
- Easy to clean
- 700 ml capacity
- Transparent division
- Comfortable and durable
Images are for Illustration Only. The nutrition facts are based on one particular flavor and were current and accurate to the best of our knowledge at the time they were entered. Some flavors may be different in terms of nutritional information, servings per container, and weight. Please note that manufacturers often change formulas or ingredients without notifying us. Always read the labels, warnings, and directions to ensure it meets your requirements prior to opening or unsealing, using, or consuming a product.