
Focus Max Strom Sports Nutrition - 36 servings

€46.99 €34.99
Perfect before a long day at work or a productive gym session. A jitter and tingle free formula that will help you get the most of your productivity and focus for those busy days.

Strom Sports Nutrition FocusMax

Strom Sports Nutrition FocusMax is a non-proprietary, nootropic caffeine based supplement designed to be utilised when acute increases in mental focus are required such as competitive gaming or just a boost in productivity.

Formulated using Caffeine, Juglans Whole Fruit (Walnut Extract), Phosphatidyl Serine, Lion’s Mane, Rhodiola Rosea, N-Acetly-Tyrosine, Choline and Black Pepper Extract.

Perfect before a long day at work or a productive gym session. A jitter and tingle free formula that will help you get the most of your productivity and focus for those busy days.

Focus Max Nutritional Facts

Size: 216g
Serving Size: 1 Scoop
Servings: 36

Per 1 Scoop (6g) Serving:

  • Choline 1000mg
  • NAC-L-Tyrosine 1000mg
  • Phosphatidylserine 500mg
  • Lions Mane 500mg
  • Rhodiola Rosea 400mg
  • Caffeine 250mg
  • Juglans Whole Fruit (Walnut) 200mg
  • Black Pepper Extract 10mg

Recommended Use: 1 serving (6g) to be mixed with water and consumed. Tolerance should be assess at a half serving (3g) to begin.

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