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Beyond BCAA EAA Senactiv Nootropics EHPLabs *60% OFF*

€44.99 €16.99

BEYOND BCAA+EAA Intra-Workout is the most potent essential amino acid product with ingredients scientifically proven to elevate recovery, performance and hydration. BEYOND comes in a range of delicious flavours and ticks all the boxes for those wanting to train harder, recover faster and get results.


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Beyond BCAA EHP Labs

Recovery and Muscle Soreness - 10g Amino Acid Powder (including 8g BCAAs). The combination of BCAAs and EAAs Amino Acids Powder assist with muscular endurance, recovery & delays fatigue.

Performance and Muscle Preservation - EHP Labs EAA supplement have 50mg of patented SENACTIV recovery booster, scientifically validated to promote energy and muscle preservation. SENACTIV is a science backed recovery booster ingredient for support of energy production while preserving muscle cells and helping your body to regenerate new cells.

Super Nootropic Focus - 1,500mg Tyrosine and Huperzine-A are the foundation for our super nootropic matrix for razor sharp, dialed-in focus and mood enhancement to max out every gym session.

Easy to Take - Essential amino acids supplement is suitable to be taken during a workout for increased endurance, recovery and focus. With EHP LAbs muscle recovery supplements, they give you the choice to choose your dosage with their 30/ 60 serve option. Take one scoop or choose to take two scoops of EAA powder for extra focus and recovery benefits

High Quality - EHP Labs use only the finest ingredients, all of which are manufactured in their USA, GMP compliant, state-of-the-art facility. Every batch is laboratory tested for quality assurance.

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