
Dibencozide Magnum Megabol - 100 capsules

€14.99 €9.99
  • Muscle-building booster
  • Promotes protein synthesis
  • Promotes appetite
  • Supports muscle growth, volume and strength

Megabol Dibencozide Magnum

Dibencozide Magnum an extremely potent non-steroidal muscle-building booster to support muscle mass growth, volume and strength. The non-steroid metabolic factor acts as a bio-stimulator in the process of protein synthesis into ribosomes. It is involved in the synthesis of methionine from the synthesis of homocysteine and thymidine. It also functions as a hydrogen bonding element in transmethyl reactions and nucleic acid synthesis.

Dibencozide Magnum is also recommended for those who do not train systematically but want to improve their physique. Tests have also shown that with regular use, you will; gain more appetite and thus gain more volume and muscle. Therefore, this product is also suitable for people with problems to gain weight and consume large amounts of food. Dibencozide Magnum accelerates appetite among those people with underweight.

Dibencozide Magnum and its benefits:

  • Muscle-building booster
  • Promotes protein synthesis
  • Promotes appetite
  • Supports muscle growth, volume and strength

Dibencozide Magnum Nutritional Information:

Ingredients: 1 capsule contains:

  • Dibencozide (5-deoxy-5-adenosinecobalamin) 1000 mcg

Dibencozide Magnum Recommended use: One capsule 30 min. before workout. Dosage might be increased up to 3 caps daily - before breakfast, before and after workout.

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Dibencozide Magnum

Perfect shop.No problem delivery to London

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