Shaker with ball Chaos Crew 700ml
- 700 ML
Chaos Crew Shaker with a ball
Chaos Crew Shaker with Wire Ball is the perfect way to mix up smooth and delicious proteins shakes and meal replacements. It is manufactured from BPA-free plastic and is embossed with convenient measurements running up its side to help you precisely measure your ingredients. The wire blending ball ensures powders are evenly distributed and the secure lid and click cap spout guarantee no leakage or accidental opening.
Images are for Illustration Only. The nutrition facts are based on one particular flavor and were current and accurate to the best of our knowledge at the time they were entered. Some flavors may be different in terms of nutritional information, servings per container, and weight. Please note that manufacturers often change formulas or ingredients without notifying us. Always read the labels, warnings, and directions to ensure it meets your requirements prior to opening or unsealing, using, or consuming a product.