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Beta Alanine ActivLab - 60 caps

€9.99 €7.99
  • Increases endurance
  • Allows you to train longer
  • Delays the feeling of tiredness
  • 60 capsules

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ActivLab Beta Alanine

Activlab Beta-alanine is a product based on high-quality beta alanine, the effect of which on the athlete's body is not immediate but prolonged. However, it should not be underestimated because it contributes to a significant improvement in the training efficiency of your muscles. As you know, better and more intense training is the basis for much greater effects in the form of gains in muscle mass and strength! It is a universal supplement that can be used by both people practicing strength and endurance sports.

Beta-Alanine is an amino acid precursor of carnosine, increasing its concentration in muscle cells. Carnosine increases muscle buffering capacity and raises the lactate threshold. By delaying the onset of fatigue and muscle damage, it enables a significant increase in muscle performance and training volume.

The effect of beta-alanine is to increase muscle strength and endurance, both in the case of aerobic and anaerobic exercise. In addition, Beta-alanine has a positive effect on increasing muscle mass, and when used together with creatine, they show synergy of action in terms of gaining maximum strength and lean body mass.

ActivLab Beta Alanine Supplement Facts:

Amount per serving (4 caps)

  • Beta-Alanine 4000 mg

ActivLab Beta Alanine Recommended Use:

Day Training: 4 caps. Before training
Non-training day: 2 capsules in the morning and 2 capsules evening,

Do not exceed daily recommended use,

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